Labour urges students to register to vote twice!

The Farnham and Bordon Labour Party launched its campaign to encourage students and young people to register to vote on Friday 25 January 2024 at the University of Creative Arts, Farnham.

Activists talked to attendees at the UCA Refreshers Fair, which gives students the opportunity to find out more about groups and activities, on and off campus, that they can access as a member of Students’ Union.

The Party hopes to capitalise on the polls that repeatedly show that young people are overwhelming turning to Labour and rejecting the Lib-Dems as a result of Nick Clegg’s broken promise on student fees.

Labour’s message was to urge the students to use their ability to register for a vote twice, as Labour’s Youth Officer, Ed Rosier, explains:

“As a student aged 18 or over, one of the few privileges you are afforded is that you can register to vote in the constituency you live in during term time as well as in the constituency you live in during the holidays. You can vote in both places in the local elections, although not in the general election.

“So, we’re calling on students to register in both constituencies and to work out where their vote will do the most good when the opportunity comes along!

“Like most young people I want to see the back of the Tories before they frack our country, reduce opportunities for my generation and do more damage to our NHS. We need a government in Westminster that represents the voting public, not just the people that donate money to their party.

“Our message is: vote where it counts on election day and tell your friends this is one way they can help send this listless and inept government packing.”

Labour’s register to vote campaign will continue throughout February on social media and with leafletting at a range of other venues.

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